Driving back to the airport, we stopped at Poipu and the Spouting Horn-- a blowhole caused by a lava tube. The legend is there was a giant lizard (Mo'o) that swam in the ocean near where the blow hole is. She chased a hunter into the lava tube but then got stuck. As the blow hole blows, it makes a wialing rusing sound which are the cries of the trapped Mo'o.
There were of course numerous chickens and I joked about throwing one in to feed the giant lizard. Mom mentioned how much the area had changed-- all condos and resorts. "When I lived here there was just one road," she said as Jo took a wrong turn, in the growing developments. Mom told us how she almost had moved to this area but the drivers wouldn't let her. The road goes by a Heiau (an ancient temple) and the drivers from the hotel she worked at (a single woman was driven home not allowed to get home on her own) refused to drive the road at night for fear of "night marchers"-- the souls of the dead who would march from the mountains to the heiau. So she had to get a place closer to town and the hotel she was working at.