I hadn't thought much about taking photos of butterflies until I came to Nepal. I noticed lots of beautiful ones in a restaurant's yard where our bus stopped for a break before getting to Pokhara. After that, I have been taking the photos of them whenever I can. In Nepal, I took a few of these photographs while trekking, but most were from day hikes around Pokhara. To name the butterflies, I used a small book written by Collin Smith who has spent 30 years collecting butterflies and written several books on the butterflies of Nepal. He donated an amazing collection of butterflies, from Nepal and other countries, to the Annapurna museum in Pokhara which I also used for identification. However, I am not an expert and may have made mistakes in identification. If you notice any, please comment.
Yellow Orange Tip
Delias pasithoe
The Great Orange Tip
Peacock Pansy
Red Admiral
Lemon Pansy
Yellow Sailer
Pieris canidia
Trimala Septentrionis
Trimala Septentrionis
Painted Jezebel
Papilio paris
Biblidinae Castors
Common Map
Danaid Eggfly (left) and Common Tiger (right)
Chliasa clytia
Indian Fritillary Female
Indian Fritillary Male
Common Evening Brown
Hill Sergeant